About Us

About FTTC Foundation

FTTC FOUNDATIONS is a registered company under sub-section (2) of section 7 and sub-section (1) of section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013)and rule 18 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 ] has been working to ensure quality elementary education for children, those from marginalized communities, who are from rural areas or are unable to get the resources or unable to have/get exposure of the things which are important for their carrier and education to compete with the mainstream children.
At FTTC FOUNDATIONS we help them become the leaders and changemakers of the future. We see education as an imperative tool for children to analyze their maximum potential by learning crucial skills that set them on the path of social and economic development and empowerment.           
Our programs work through building learning ecosystems that are inclusive.
FTTC FOUNDATIONS concentrate on youth empowerment for economically backward students, helping them to get vocational training that aims to enhance the incomes and livelihoods of the underserved. our short-term skill training models help these people to get placed in reputed blue-collar jobs.
FTTC FOUNDATIONS works, to empower and let the Society’s weaker sections, children who are suppressed by the social, and economic practices of their community. We at FTTC concentrate on overall development, through our education, health, and skill development programs.
FTTC FOUNDATIONS make the base strong and work for self-reliant communities at the grassroots level. Our targeted beneficiaries are lower-income groups from rural parts of the country.
The basic aim of FTTC Foundation is to provide quality education and training that inspires children and youth from all weaker sections of society to achieve individual aspirations and be able to build a better society for themselves, through knowledge and skills.

Vision and Mission of FTTC

To create an inclusive society where people, those who are vulnerable, can participate with full empowerment and gain equal access to services, resources, and institutions.
To promote social incorporation so that the vulnerable sections of our society, are empowered to efficiently, effectively, and decisively participate in the mainstream development process.
We follow issue-based, a strategic educational support organization that works with people’s collectives, and NGOs.
Our key instruments of work are Collaborative research process, public education, direct field level mobilization, and implementation. Our strategy intervenes from the grassroots level to the policy level environment while ensuring the basic rights of citizens. We draw inspiration from the struggles of the vulnerable and from their strength.
Drawing inspiration from its founders, who believed in contributing to society through education, FTTC Foundation is dedicated to transforming education in the country.
FTTC is born out of the vision of its Founder, We at “FTTC FOUNDATIONS” are going to do many programs related to empowerment of the education/ tuition, webinar, workshops that will enhance the new generation of the villages and similar areas. There are no limitations to our work done.
Currently, we are focusing over:-
1. We do a survey in the area and generate the data related to studying children
2. We put proper records of their progress and their limitations and their critical constraints.
3. We will conduct the program to motivate maximum children for the tuition after school through the available local faculties for which we will bear all the costs of such local tuitions.
4. We do surveys and discuss with the existing institutions for their limitations and problems and will help them out with resources in terms of material, and funds to facilitate students with better facilities.
5. We facilitate their hard work by awarding them with scholarships and also support the parents in their fee structures who are unable in case.
6. We will organize a few webinars, and workshops to give the students exposure to the mainstream competitions.

A story about foundation

The 70 % of the youth population of our INDIA is from economically backward (Some of tier -2 and tier 3 and more rural) areas. Unfortunately, major youth of our population doesn’t even have exposure to the things that they are going to do in their carrier, or how they can reach the respective platforms. Sometimes they know the facts but don’t have the resources.
We are a non-profit organization and we build the capacity of communities to ensure empowerment for marginalized children.
FTTC Foundation is a registered non-profit organization that aims towards advancing children’s rights and guiding them toward the right path for their careers, hence creating a last impact in the lives of vulnerable children, their families, and communities.
FTTC Foundation has improved the lives of millions of children by giving them access to quality education & skill development training, and a healthy & secure environment so that they can create livelihood opportunities for themself and can participate in important life decisions FTTC Foundation brings the Integrated Community Development approach to benefit children. We at FTTC Foundation follow the Child Cantered Community Development approach which put children at the canter of our actions and decision-making processes for their overall development.

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FTTC foundation is helping the needy students for preperation of competitive exams.
Contact Info
Address:-Unit No. 109, Tower B,
Logix Technova, Sector-132,
Noida, U.P. 201305
Mobile - 8800376610
Email id - office@fttcprojects.com

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